2007년 1월 27일 토요일

The Poetry Portfolio

Hate poetry
I hate poetry!
1. Needs to be rhythmic
2. Poem is not my type.
3. I don’t like to read rhythmically.
4. Hate the process of poetry.
5. The worst type of poetry is haiku.
6. Teachers tell us to memorize.

Copycat poem

So much depends
A window
With shiny glasses
Letting the sunshine transparent
So that plants could absorb it and grow.

So much depends
A man with scary appearance
Make everyone stay away from him
However, he’s innocent and kind like an angel
Many people love this man

I once had played the violin
For a long time
learned for four years
Like the fiddler on the roof
My little fingers
Flew like a puny fairy
My little violin
Sang like blue bird
My master with old violin and professional looking
Was admirable and friendly

Now I challenge to play
A bigger, thicker, lower sound instrument
The biggest string I’ve ever seen
My big fingers
Pizzicato like a bee stings
My enormous bass
Roar like a storm
Our conductor with great talents
Will always look great.


The pool
I start to dive
Then people dive with me
Soon, the water start polluting

Tall, wooden instrument
Howling, vibrating, Plucking
Stumping elephant
tall beautiful woman

The Process Essay

Are you hungry? Is there anything to eat? Can anybody cook this food? Do anybody love this food? The answer to these questions are “YES!” I’ll explain the process of making delicious and enjoyable “Ramyun.” This is good for starving people, and who’s desperate to cook. This food is loved by many people. Even foreigners love it.
Getting a pack of ramyun and having a hot water in a small pot fro the water filter is the first step of making ramyun. Why a small pot? The reason you need a small pot is because you may get the certain amount of water. When you get a water in a big pot, there is a high percentage of getting an overwhelming water and may conclude with a flat taste ramyun. Once you taste a flat taste ramyun, you would immediately say “Ewww…”, and I guarantee you that. Let’s move on to the next process shall we?
Secondly, shift the small pot on the stove and turn it on into a medium level. High level of fire could exterminate your house, and the low level of fire would take a long time to cook ramyun. So turn on into a certain level. At the same time, add the sauce and the dehydrated vegetables. Then wait for 2-4 minutes. This the definite time for you to wait until it boils. If you extremely hate waiting things, you may bring something to play for awhile or something to read. You can’t waist the precious time right? I always do this because I think of the time very specially and we can never go back. What happens next? Here we go.
Last but not least, after that, add the squiggly noodle inside, if it’s boiling like crazy. Wait for 30 seconds for this, and this time, you don’t need to bring anything to wait, since it’s only 30 seconds. After that, add the egg into the ramyun. I guarantee you that it will taste fabulous. Once again, wait for another 30 seconds. Finally, if you follow these processes, pour it in the bowl. Be careful not to burn yourself. Tah dah!!
As a result, you have made an adorable delicious ramyun ! This is the exciting moment ever. Once the noodle goes inside you mouth and you taste it, you might want to dunk inside the soup and swim! Sometimes you don’t even want to come out. The food ramyun is a lovely food to all of us and foreigners.

The Definition Essay

How would you feel, while you’re tanning yourself in a steaming hot sun, during the summer, temperature that is about 43 degrees Celsius? If I was in that situation, I would’ve been roasted, like a roasted beef. Some people would like to be tanned. The purpose of this essay is to define the definition of summer and what special activities there are. I’m going to define the comparison, some negations, and how we use summer.
A season summer is like a “Jjim-jil-bang.” Jjim-jil-bang is like a sauna, where you to the little hot room and sweat yourself. Old people, who’s about 50-70 years old, likes to be in the sauna than young people. Well, some of them hate hot room. The difference though is that you have to wear clothes when you go inside. However, in Sauna, since it’s in the public bathing place, you just have to get in with naked. I hate Jjim-jil-bang because I hate to be in a hot place.
I’m going to explain the negations of summer. Summer is not cold, temperature doesn’t fall below 0, which means it’s not a winter. People don’t where thick clothes, such as jacket with feathers inside, fur hats, boots made out of animal’s skin, and other clothes. At summer, we don’t snow fight, we don’t turn on the heater inside the building, rivers and lakes don’t freeze, all the leaves aren’t gone from trees. When guys sleep, they don’t where pajamas, but usually just where an underwear. Summer doesn’t have holidays like Thanksgiving, Christmas, New year, and Easter day.
At summer people do lots of special activities. There are good things and bad things we do in summer. To me, one of my favorite vacation is summer vacation because we have 2 and a half months, and we can relax during these days. However, if people are going to high school, they need to be ready for it and fresh their minds. High school is really important because in middle school, grades didn’t count. When you get into high school, grades are so important that people see your academic reports and choose if he or she is a good student and choose which university they need to go to. Students in Korean school mostly doesn’t rest. They go to hag won or the institution every single day, and they get ready for the test, which is very important for them to go a good college. Since they go to the institution everyday, without a very little rest, they would get lots of stress. Other bad thing is we spend too much money on buying cold foods and snacks, light clothes, and traveling inside or outside of country. Our family usually travel outside of country with relatives and costs lots of money. I hope we don’t do that very much. Back to good things people do in summer. They can relax themselves in the house, turning on the air conditioner, and do what ever they want. People are more active at night than afternoon because it’s really hot at that time. If you go at night the wind blows a little, and it’s great to do some activities, such as sports and hanging out with friends, but not too long. Lazy people would just stay inside and sleep. When summer comes, people go for swimming. Swimming is lots of fun. Children can enjoy playing in the water and they can exercise with friends. It’s also good for older people exercise. Indoor swimming is better than outdoor because they might have heat stroke. I once experienced a heat stroke, 2 years ago at Philippines. How it happened? Well, listen. I was recording my family, I had no hats or materials to protect against the sun. So I stayed in hot weather for a long time and started to get dizzy, and I felt hot. The doctor told me that I had a heatstroke. I should worn people, who didn’t get a heatstroke to not to stay in hot place for a long time. Once again, summer is my worst season ever. I’ll explain the definition of summer, in my own words.
The definition of summer is the season between the month of June and the September, season between spring and autumn, and it’s the hottest season. If the northern hemisphere is summer, the southern hemisphere is the winter because the earth is tilted in about 23.5 degrees and if the northern hemisphere faces the sun, then it’s summer. It means that the Earth is closer to the sun.